Having a Laugh
As an actor and voice actor, I've spent countless hours talking and jabbering away. So why not put my talking to good use and start a podcast? Get ready, babes, and join me for some spicy hot tea, generational TRAU-MA (Jamie Lee Curtis voice), and some hilarity. My therapist always told me I should do stand-up, and this is the closest I’ll ever get. I've also roped in some guests to join me in discussing acting, mental health, and behind-the-scenes magic. Welcome to the wild world of my podcast, where sarcasm reigns supreme and laughter is the best therapy.
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Having a Laugh
#19 Finding Your Voice with Singer Alyssa Laine
In this episode, we sit down with Alyssa Laine, the lead singer of Kentucky-based band Barebones! Join us as we explore Alyssa's journey through the music industry, from her early influences to the hurdles she faces along the way. We dive into her creative process and tackle the challenges of mental health that often accompany the pursuit of passion.
Alyssa opens up about the importance of staying true to one’s art and the unique relationship she shares with her fans. We also share some laughs as we delve into the quirky world of fandoms and the lighter side of life in the music scene.
Alyssa - Website
Shayla - @shaylatharp_
Having a Laugh - Instagram
Shayla Tharp (00:00)
Hey everybody, this is Shayla Tharp. You're listening to Having a Laugh, and today I have Alyssa Lane, a singer in Kentucky, a little rock star, the lead singer of her band, Bare Bones. I also want to preface this and say we've tried to record this about eight times already. Yeah, we're just technical difficulties all around, but thank you.
for coming on the show and dealing with it. How are you? Of course. I'm good. Good. think we've got it this time, so we're going to be fine. I think we got it. I think we got it too. Not to be mean to Riverside, but sometimes they just, they ain't hitting it right. They're not hitting it today. So that's all right. And to fill everyone in, I was asking kind of like how you
began your career kind of, and you started oddly in nursing, which I was surprised about, and that went by the wayside. Yeah, that was awful. So it turns out I cannot do math. yeah. Shocker. Shocker. yeah, was, I literally, I think I was like, yeah, I'm going to be a nurse because I was just trying to prove everyone in my family that I could do something. It turns out I can't do that something.
So microbiome was a fucking nightmare. So 10 out of 10 don't recommend unless you're like super smart, which I'm not so but yeah, I was at work one night and my mom knew this guy and she had sent him like a demo that I had cut in Florida and he called me and was like, when are you gonna move down here? And I was like,
I'm scared. But yeah, long story short there, I moved and I cut my first album. Well, no, I didn't move first. I was going down to Tennessee like every weekend, cutting my first album. And then I eventually did move down there. yeah, we did the same. How long were you in Tennessee for doing music? I moved there in 2018 and then moved back during the pandemic. So 18 to 2020.
Yeah. Yeah. my God. My cat's meowing. How, did you like Tennessee or why did you move back to Kentucky then? it's a very long and difficult story that I'm still working on therapy. we therapy. We love therapy here. I can't go into too much detail without being a complete asshole,
It's just a difference in opinions and a different in creativity. once the pandemic hit, everybody was pretty much out of a job. And obviously we couldn't go out and do gigs and stuff. So I was kind of financially at a standstill. And so my roommate, Katie, her mom flips houses. And so we were traveling to Kentucky because we already lived together.
And, obviously if she had it or if I had COVID, know, we would pretty much have it because we lived together. So we were flipping houses away from everybody. were painting them all that jazz, but, so we were like here in Kentucky so much working that I was like, fuck it. Why don't we just move back? And I did. whatever it worked out.
Nashville, I think they call it Nash Vegas or whatever. It's pretty cool. It's very stressful for someone who is surprisingly not an extrovert. So it's stressful, but it's really cool. I've played some bars down there and that was fun. But yeah, all in all, I love Kentucky. good. And so when you...
Did you always like to sing then ever since you were young? Girl, I'm a Leo. Okay. That's so true. Why did I ask? I am a Leo through and through. I love to sing. I love attention. Yes, you do. And if you're a Leo and you say you don't, yeah, right. That's a lie. You're a liar. You're a lying lion. That's so true. But you are, I do think you're kind of an extroverted introvert. for sure.
Yeah. Like if I'm on stage or like in the moment of doing a show and have to like communicate with other things, like other people or whatever, I'm totally extroverted. But if I'm not doing a show or if I'm not at work, I am bed rotting. I love my room. I love this house. I would much rather stay here. Don't touch me at a bar. I love your room too. It's very cute and nicely decorated. You're a very good... I love it.
You're a very good little interior designer. please. Who called me? like, is this good? Let me FaceTime you. I do that too. So being a singer, have you struggled a lot with like mental health things? Because like from an actor point of view, a lot of it can take a toll on your mental health. And I don't know kind of what the ins and outs of being a singer is. I don't know.
I mean, obviously you have the audience's feedback, you've got other people's feedback, you're trying to do stuff on the road, like that's a lot. So how has it been for you kind of mentally? I don't really worry about what others think of me. That sounds so cliche, but I swear it's true. Like I really don't. Most of it comes from like, I think to myself, like,
in the music industry, they want and I'm sure the entertainment anywhere, they want you to be young. So if you're like starting out and you're like 30 people are just gonna be like, you're done. You're done. A lot of my mental health deteriorating came from like thinking, shit, I started too late. And then also being like, I don't think I'm doing enough. Like I haven't put out an album in so long. I'm irrelevant or like whatever. But
I feel like therapy did the trick, not that I'm like totally fine, but like I've come to a realization, like I am only doing what I can do. And like my manager can only do as much as she can do as far as like getting me work, which I'm so thankful because Katie bust her ass to make sure that we have shows lined up all the time. yeah, so it's literally just all in my own head.
of thinking like, can't get any further than this because I'm fucking 32. But it doesn't matter. We're over the hill, actually. Exactly. I'm not looking for like fame, you know, I would rather just be like, comfortable and doing what I love rather than being rich and miserable or something like doing what the industry would be like, you need to do this. I don't take directions very well, so don't do that today.
I don't either. Have you enjoyed kind of being in the industry then? Do you mingle with a lot of other singers or are you kind of more isolated? Yes. Yes and no. I do mingle with other musicians. Chris had his own career before me and then we banded together. But now
Not so much. I don't know many musicians here in Kentucky. I know a couple and you know, we talk and whatnot. But as far as like outside of the States, other than like, excuse me, just like online because I don't get to travel as much while I'm working, you know, full time job. But so yes and no, I talked to people here but unless it's online, I don't really get to go to shows and stuff.
And what do you do for your outside job, outside of singing? How are you keeping the lights on? yeah. So I run a coffee shop, which is super cool. My cousin owns it, so I pretty much get to work for the family, which is cool. she gives me a lot of creative freedom there, so it's really cool. I go in, I put my own playlist on.
I make up my own seasonal drinks, which is so cool. And, you know, if I wanted to play a show there, I could anytime I want. So it's really cool. I could be working, no offense to anyone, but I could be working like a desk job and be miserable or like whatever, cause I can't sit still, but you know, being able to work at a coffee shop and I'm also a florist. So the two businesses owned by the same person and I can literally we're in the same building. So either I'm doing coffee or I'm doing flowers. It's really,
It's a good creative outlet for when I'm not singing. I love that. Like that's such a nice balance of like three different things. And I would prefer that. I don't like doing the same thing all day, every day. I want variety, baby. Right. And that's why you're an actress, because you can go from like one thing to another. Yeah, it's definitely. you're pipe -casted. Well, I am, but it's still fun. It's still fun. you get a new name for every role.
Exactly. New backstory is all great. Me and you also have the, what is it, like the bond of fandoms. love, we love, yeah, we love shows. you know, all the things.
Why do you think you hyperfixate on shows? Well, I mean, I am a little acoustic, so... Me too. Me too. We're a little spicy. mean, I guess from like a medical standpoint, ADHD and autism. But like for me, I fully don't understand it myself. I just feel hyperfixated on something and I'm like, I...
know everything about the show, I need to memorize it. I need to the lines of what's going to happen. See, and I never knew anyone else like that until I met you. was like, my God, we're spicy. We're spicy. Like, what's wrong with us? don't think anything's wrong with us. I think that we're the cool ones, you know? Yeah, honestly, yes. Yeah, I used to have much more hyper fixations when I was even like younger, but there's something about it.
Like I get into a show and I'm like, have to know every backstory, every ounce of information or else. Also bro, we've gone through so many hyper fixations together. know. It's kind of embarrassing, also like It's so embarrassing. mean, that's how we met. Yeah. And it's so nice to have somebody to just be a nerd with. I love it. I love it. Because my roommate doesn't like have the shit that we like. Katie! No, she does. mean, like she's watched some.
but she's not like, ooh wee. Olivia I don't understand how people could be like that. How are you just normal? How are you normal? I don't get it. Our most recent one was Hacks and that just got, that just swept the Emmys. Good for Jean Smart. Plus, Jean, if you ever hear this, I love you. We love you, Jean. Bambi loves you. Look at Bambi. This fat boy. He does, I will say, your cat.
always looks a bit derpy to me, but like in the cutest way. He's got alien eyes. He's got alien eyes. He's so weird. They're just, yeah, they're just so, I love it. I love it. He's just like, what? You said he's your boy. Okay, go play. Go play with your sister. So do your parents and everybody, your whole family live in Kentucky still then? Mostly, I think.
Mostly. Mostly. Listen, you won't have to make fun of me here. Girl gap. Yeah, my immediate family's here. I've got some grandparents maybe in Germany. I'm not sure where they're living now. And then some in Georgia. And I think that's it. I don't really have a big family. Do they all come to your shows? Like, were they supportive or? Like my uncle and aunt come, but my parents are like,
we've got to get off. So they won't miss a show. Like even when I was in Tennessee, they would like drive down, which is only like three that's so sweet. I know. They're sweet ones. Are you not embarrassed because like when I perform, if my mom is in the audience, which has only happened a handful of times, I'm already like sweating. can't, I'm like, don't look at me. Don't. No, Mainly because I feel like when I'm on stage, it's
kind of like a blackout effect. everything's happening and I'm so into the moment that I don't even know who's out there. So it really doesn't matter to me. And at this point, my mom, she's like, got her Alyssa Lane's number one fan shit on and I'm like, you know what, it's fine. Does she have a bumper sticker with my website on it on her car? Yeah. We stan. I can't stop her. So she's doing her thing.
I love that we love supportive groups and your friends are very supportive. know that. So I think you're in a great spot. How many like what are some of the biggest hurdles you've had since kind of starting your career? What are some of the things that kind of like stand out to you like either finding management or you know, something like that?
Yeah, I never had any trouble finding management. I got really f***** lucky. Chris, my bandmate, his dad was my manager before he passed and, he was the absolute fucking greatest. He had a music career back in his day and he was pretty successful in that. So he knew how to go through this whole journey. He knew the business in and out. He knew what to look for.
what to guard me from. And he was just the absolute greatest. So never, never was I lacking in there. And then Katie, my roommate is our manager now. And she went to college for pretty, I don't know the technical terms, but she basically is a PR. she knows her shit and she's good at it. So, well, maybe I'll just shoot a little message all over. Right, right.
But I guess it would be money and that sounds stupid, it really is. Like if you don't have money, you can't do shit in this industry because unless you just like became famous overnight, somehow miraculously on pick talk or something like nobody is going to pay your way. So my first album was over 10 grand and I had to pull that shit out of my own ass. That's so much money. It was a lot of credit. Why is it so much money?
What do you pay for? I mean, like obviously musicians, you're paying. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, you're paying to have it mixed, mastered, you know, all that jazz. It's awful. So, yeah, money is the biggest hurdle. You've got to have money to promote yourself in every facet. So and then obviously the pandemic sucked for everybody in the entertainment industry. And then like when I moved back in
to Kentucky, I had to basically build a whole new brand. I went from being in a big band in Tennessee to kind of having nothing and then to build Bare Bones with Chris. so now we're pretty established and we've got a really fucking cool like fan base, which I have always like, what can we call our fan? Like Bones or something. Ooh, have you thought of something? time I'm like, that's dumb as fuck, no.
I can't think of anything. I can't think of anything either. it would... I'm going to pick on that. Little ribs, our little ribs, our little phalanges. Something with I like that though. I love that you've got a little fan base or a big one. I'm hoping it's a big one. It's a nice size. I mean, I had people who come up to me and they're like, my God.
heard you saying and I'm like, you are. But thank you so much. That's awesome. really cool. Have you had any experiences with like fans yet where you get to do like autographs and stuff? That sounds so cool. When I was in Tennessee, yeah. Yeah. Not so much here because this is my hometown. So if I'm doing shows around here, they're like, Hey. But yeah, when I'm not in my hometown, yes, a little bit. We get picked. We do like the whole picture thing.
That makes me sound, I'm going to have imposter syndrome and disassociate. But no, I have a couple of them. With all the hurdles of money and stuff, has any mental health things held you back? mean, for me, it's a lot of the imposter syndromes or ADHD. Whatever it may be, I can always find a way to self -sabotage.
Is my favorite activity. I don't know about you. Nope, for sure. I go through a lot of spells where I can't write music, which I'm in right now and it's stuck. But literally, I've always said like, if I'm not feeling it, I'm not going to force myself. But I'm to a point where I haven't written anything in like months. So I'm just like, you know what, I'm going to sit down on my piano. I'm just going to play around and see if anything comes to me organically and
Chris and I have been trying to do that and we're getting a little success, good. But meds, therapy, and forcing myself to do shit. And a good sleeping schedule. Yeah, that's not, we don't know her. We don't know her. I mean, when me and you first started talking, I think you would stay up till about like seven in the morning and then be like, all right, I'm going to bed. And I was like, Yeah, nothing changed.
No, you have definitely changed a lot. You go to bed at like a good hour. Yeah. Yeah. We're getting there. It's getting a lot better. I think you've, you've come a long way. Yeah. Well, that's graveyard shift for 10 years and then, yeah. And yeah. Yeah. Whatever. What is some of your favorite music to kind of get you either relaxed or just chilling? Like, what do you love to just sit at home and relax to?
sad. Anything sad. I know you hate that. I love to like, you know, I just like to let it linger, you know, but it's not relaxing is sad. It is no, like, I'm the type of person Olivia, please. If like, if I'm already sad, fuck it might as well just get even sadder. No, you don't know because you can't relate to that. But I don't know how to make it make sense.
I love orchestra music, movie soundtracks and TV shows that go with lyrics. love that shit. I am such a big fan of like a big horn section. Big cold chills. that and then just like chill music, like classic rock can be okay if it's like down, but if it's like eight like in...
What's the like? EDM? Yeah, EDM. I can't do that. That shit sends me into another planet. Yeah. I have such bad like, it's just too overwhelming. can't. I will panic. shit on them, but I will literally, yeah. It's, it's too much. Yeah. No, I love a good soundtrack of just like an instrumental. chef's kiss. I could recommend them for days. I love it.
good. Well, then I will actually look into that because I love your playlist. If anyone wants to check out your playlist on Apple Music or whatever, you always got, yeah, you have like playlists for days. For every mood. Every mood. And I, stan. It is like my favorite thing to do for people. I like it. They're like, what kind of music do you like? I'm like, let me make you a playlist. Let me do will show you, baby.
Shayla Tharp (21:18)
Welcome back from our little commercial pee break where we just found out that Jean Smart is going to be hosting SNL September 28th. Bro, I have canceled my plans. I had a show, I'm so sorry, guys. I haven't watched that show in, I don't know, probably since Kristen Wiig was on it.
as in like a cast member. So I don't, I haven't watched it in long time, but I will be tuning in. Same. If they would just put Marishka on there. Yeah. Honestly, I don't know why, cause she's probably around the corner somewhere just hanging out. Seriously. And she's hilarious. That too. But anyways, I digress. I digress. Not even sure what we're talking about, but Zoom hates us today. So we had to leave and now we're back.
I do have some more, musician questions for you. Just because I'm curious and want to start a fight. What are some musicians you don't like? God. Like what are some that are just like w that are overhyped to you? I know they're not still a band, but, don't kill me. But I did not care for one direction. I mean.
Look, I didn't listen. I Harry Styles, but I didn't, I was never a boy bands kind of girl. Really? No in sync? Sorry, I'm cleaning my glasses. mean, yes, but I wasn't like dying. Like I wasn't like the fan girl, you know? Yeah. I would listen to it, but I wasn't like trying to go to the concerts. I can't think of anyone off the top of my head that I don't. Are you a Swiftie? Yeah, I am. I wasn't always.
Yeah, but I am I'm not like hardcore Swiftie, but I am like clowning until she dropped rep. you know, you went to the arrows tour. Yeah. Hell yeah. Cool. Hell yeah. It was really it was great. She's a great performer and there's it was just absolutely insane. I've never been to a concert that was that like, where was it? Parkour Stadium in Cincinnati.
okay. the Bengals play. Yeah, it was really cool. Yeah, I can't really, I'm not a country fan whatsoever. that's true. You are. Yeah, you do hate. know it's weird. You do be hatin'. I do be hatin'. I'm not hate, I just don't relate and I don't I was trying to give you some Reba songs the other day and you were just like, I can't. There's a trauma tied into her or something. I don't know.
I can't deal with music. Okay, good. It's like sad music to you as to what to me. I just can't. for Chris Stapleton. I fuck with him. That's because it's also super sad. That's the one where I'm like, I can only do like a few Chris songs because I'm like, they're too sad. my God. my God. I do love how, you know, you just kind of
thrive off music. You are always playing something. always got like, just like it's in your blood. It is in my blood. You're doing it, you know? mean, in what land are people just not listening to music though? I just, guess I can't relate to that. I don't listen to music unless I'm in my car. Yeah. Cause people listen to music in the car. That's another level.
Yeah, that's weird. are, it's the only time I've not listened to music is when you know when you get done with the end of your day at work and it's been so awful and you just like shut the door and you're just like silent. That's an exception. Yeah. And you're just like, I have to drive home in silence. Yeah. So like collect your thoughts. Even though my thoughts would be like, this is what we did 10 years ago. This is what we're doing for dinner. Like too much. maybe that's another reason why I'm drowning things.
random cue, what kind of advice would you give to the younger Jen if they want to start either a band or their own singing career or what would you give them for a little piece of wisdom? I am going to steer from the cliche of like just keep working, do it and say
Stay, this is what my manager told me and I live by this. Stay true to your art and your art will stay true to you. Don't conform yourself to a box. Do what you wanna do because you can go out there and the music industry will say like, that's too dated, that doesn't work. But here's the thing, there is somebody, maybe even multiple somebody's out there who like the same shit that you do.
And just because it's like maybe not radio material doesn't mean that you still can't be successful. mean, like some of my favorite artists you don't hear on the radio because they're not quote unquote music like that you would hear on the radio. that and social media is very, very important. Some people don't like TikTok, but I mean, there's a lot of different things going on in TikTok and
you promoting your music can literally get you maybe the traction that you want. mean, some people do want the fame. Some people just want to be musicians, you know, low key like me. And I feel like I could be totally wrong, but I think that artists like, like Chappell Rhone, she blew up literally overnight, it feels like. I had to come not solely from social media, but I'm sure that
people heard her music on TikTok and were like, this fucking flaps. social media is important in that facet. So that's all I've got. Get money, find money. Get money. Yeah. No kidding. Yeah. that's good advice. I like that. I'm going to put that away for a rainy day. let me ask you some rapid fire questions. Okay. What's something people get wrong about you?
God. that I mean, cause I'm, I've heard people be like, you know what, when I first met you, I was so scared to be a blah blah. I'm literally like a people pleaser. You could yell at me and I'd be like, okay, Like gaslight me. I'm just going to agree with you. It's fine. and then that I like to go out. Cause just because I'm a singer, people probably assume that I like to just like go out and hang and go to
bars and things. absolutely couldn't be further from that. I hate going out. Mood. What is your, what is your guilty pleasure TV show? God. I mean, yeah, that's kind of tough. Okay. Okay. Don't judge me. I watched the Kardashians.
Someone who's just like living through drama 24x7. if the drama doesn't involve me, it's spicy. I love that. Their drama is just absolutely fucking ridiculous. So just I can't, can't, I can't do it. I cannot. Look, just support them? No. But do I like to watch their lives go a little crazy? Yes, ma 'am, do. Fair enough. Fair enough. What was your favorite childhood movie?
Okay, so I had to call my mom and ask her this recently because we were bonding over childhood experiences and shit the other day. And I don't remember my childhood. So I don't I didn't know I was she said that I like Disney movies, right? I don't I think it's not like a bunch of trauma. It's just I don't know. Well, that's good. So
Apparently I owned like all the Mary Kate and Ashley movies. Yeah, I do. I still watch them today. So like, I feel like it's true to me. So I, Mary Kate and Ashley bitch, but also my parents didn't really care when I watched specific toil and trouble toil and trouble. Dude. Yeah. That one also slapped. I can't remember which one it was, but I just remember there was like baseball involved.
and they were playing baseball in like the Bronx or somewhere. And I just remember the adult was like, stop like hitting that ball or whatever. And she's like, come on Diane, I'm not gonna hurt it. And it was the funniest shit because of what was that accent. yeah. Mary Kate and Ashley go hard though. They were so good. Me and my neighbor were just so obsessed with them. I had all the VHSs, all the - exactly. so I'm right there with you.
I was a billboard dad one myself. I don't know why that one. Or like they had sleepover ones that I really enjoyed. Yes. I liked the Halloween ones, obviously. Big Halloween bitch. What was your last Google search? God. Give it to me. Let me look. Give it to me.
my god, I'm gonna make myself sound insane. Yes. Can tap water kill you?
Why? Okay. First of all, why? What happened? Who, what, where was the tap water? What did it taste weird? What happened? It tasted weird. Something was wrong. I don't know. I drank water at work and it tasted really weird. And then I like made sure that my town wasn't on like a boil water thing. Was it like a different color? Just a weird taste? No, it just tasted weird. I don't drink tap water all the time just because.
I feel like it's nasty. don't know. They could be like, look, it's safe. And I'd be like, what if it's not? Where do you get your water from work then? I don't, I mean, I fill up my handy dandy water bottle out of a filtered system here at home. And then, You only have one water bottle for the eight hours? Bro, don't judge me. I'm just now getting into the water scene. Just getting into the water scene. Sorry, welcome.
Welcome. We open our arms to you in the water community. Thank you so much. It's great to be here. Yeah. I am a water drinker. Yeah, I am now. I go through many a bottle. This year. Yeah. Good for you. We love that. What's your normal go -to drink? Diet Pepsi. Or like sweet tea.
But more Di -Pepsi because sweet tea gives me a stomach ache. And we can't do that. Can't do that. Not here. Not this economy. No, no. What's your go -to karaoke song? my God. probably like Barracuda or... That's a solid. Dude, I, you know me, I like to just do it. there is nothing harder than heart. Yeah. For a female.
And your voice is so perfect for that. Yeah. Yeah. So see, both her and her sister are just incredibly talented singers and it is so good to hear. I mean, I didn't live in the eighties, but I would assume that it was so fucking cool to hear some like powerhouse. walkers, know, yeah. I mean, you had like Stevie Nicks and like, I could go on for days, like,
God bless America. were just insanely talented. The songs are so complex and they're hard as fuck to sing. Have they passed away? No, God no. They're still touring, dude. That's what I thought. was like, wait. They're safe. No, no, no. Good, They're still together. They're doing great as far as I know. Good, good. Yeah. One thing you are exceptionally bad at? Math. A lot of things.
Jesus. I'm one of those people that if I'm not good at something within like the first five minutes, I'm like, you know what? It wasn't meant for me. And one of those was violin. I did that thing for like three seconds and was like, yeah, I don't think this is going to work because I need to be able to play a song. And if I can't do it, then I'm like, you know what? Moving on. We're moving. Moving on. So, yeah. One thing you're exceptionally good at.
I mean, I would like to think I'm good at music, but, I like to draw and I like to paint and, I can, I can crochet, but not nearly as great as you can. And I need you to teach me. I can do like a scarf and then I'm like, yeah, I did it. It's frustrating sometimes. I just watch a lot of YouTube videos about it. I would, but then.
Like I can't just sit there and crochet like I need to be doing other things. And then I forget how many loops I did. It's stressful, but I'm getting there and I think I'm getting better at it. Sweet. any regrets in life? Yeah. general. Ooh, I wish that had, right. I wish that my biggest regret was going to college in general. It's not for everybody. And
this whole notion of like, need to go to college right out of high school is insane to me because I still to this day, well, I guess I mean, I want to do music, but like, if I weren't doing music, I still wouldn't know what I want to do with my life. So to go to college and just be like, I've got like four years to figure it out. No, you know how much money that is? I mean, you went to college, you know how much money that is. yeah, I, if I could turn back time to quote the great Cher
I would have not gone to college because I would have so much more money now. And I could have paid for my album multiple times over and over. So yeah, I could have bought a freaking house, you know? Yeah. And you're not the first person to come on here and say that actually. Really? Yeah, I'm you're I mean, you're the second but like still.
It works for some people and it's good for certain people who want to do certain jobs. Like if you're a doctor, get in there. Get your butt in school. But acting. Yeah, like you either have it or you don't, right?
You're either Meryl Streep or you're not. She's just on otherworldly. That's not even. Don't even get me started on that. I just saw her do like her little monologue on murders in the building or something. haven't seen that show, but I saw her a little monologue and I was like, this is why she's the queen. Dude, yeah. Adorable. Meryl Streep. This is a quote. I don't know who said it, but Meryl Streep could play me.
better than I could play me. Period. Period. Period. What is what is your favorite hobby? I'm a gamer. like that you are a little gamer. I'm my gaming area right now. Yeah. Yeah, I don't do it as like a like a competitive thing. It's just like the best outlet for any situation. If I'm sad, I'm playing games with the homies because
it's so great. Especially during the pandemic, that shit was crazy. But then at the end of the day, I could get on my little headset and talk with my silly little friends and play my silly little games. And it's just the good. yeah. That's my hobby. That's what I do. That's what I do and I'm good at it. I'm not good at it, but. Finally, you're going to like this one. What songs do you have on repeat lately? Give us like five recent songs.
Five? God. Okay, four. I wish I could pull up my Apple music. I know for sure a song called Never Loved by Parcels, that shit is on repeat right now. Crazy. Never Loved? Yeah, it's all one word, like never loved. Okay. That did not help me at all. I'm writing it down. it's such a great... Well, you know, the song is from Hacks, bro. okay. Very live scene. I can't spoil it.
for anybody. Yeah, no, no. This is a warning. Everybody watch hacks right now. And then Sabrina Carpenter right now. Bed Kim and taste. Is it bed Kim or bad Kim bed? yeah. It's spicy. Yeah. Chapel Rooms entire
entire the rise and fall of a Midwest princess. We stan. I love her. She's great. Not only is her music just like, like, just, I don't know how explain it. It's like just so right. It just makes me feel right, you know? And she has an incredible voice. She's insanely talented. I'm proud of her. I don't even know her, but I'm proud of her. We're besties. then Prince is never not a part of my daily music.
music listening experience. you are a fan. Yeah. Paisley Park shirt today. Yeah. You are a Prince die hard. That is I don't know why I didn't think about that. It's going in my notes when I make the next playlist for the show. my gosh. I know. Well, Prince forever. Thank you so much for coming to talk and chat.
I've really enjoyed getting to listen to like a scene, a singer's point of view and just kind of to know you a bit more, which is always lovely. Come back any time, Please. I would love to. I'd love to talk about myself.